Andreas Schulz
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Andreas Schulz conductor

The conductor and pianist, Andreas Schulz, was born in 1982 in Alma Ata (Kazakhstan). When he came to Germany at younger ages, he received as an already excellent musician a scholarship of the International Musicacademy for Sponsorship of High Flyer in Germany. He studied piano at the "Hanns Eisler" College of Music in Berlin under the tutelage of Professor Galina Ivantsova. He received his diploma in 2009. Directly after the diploma he received his training as orchestra conductor under General Music Director Georg Christoph Sandmann. Andreas Schulz was the founder of the Youth Symphony Orchestra Berlin, and is its chief conductor. In addition, his association with the State Symphony Orchestra in Kaliningrad (Russia) is the result of his periodic collaboration with that ensemble. He has been the permanent guest conductor there since 2013. Special highlights were his appearance as conductor with the Astana State Philharmonic Orchestra, and with the symphony orchestras in Karaganda and Petropavlovsk (Kazakhstan), as well as with the German String Philharmonic, the Symphony Orchestra Chernigoff (Ukraine) and the Student Orchestra in Nizhni-Novgorod (Russia). He further was invited to Jekaterinenburg, Ufa, Döbeln and Freiberg. In 2015 he will be guest conductor in Staßfurt, Frankfurt and Wiesbaden.

Andreas Schulz has won numerous awards at international competitions as a pianist - for example, at the "International Shostakovich Competition" and the "International Louise Henriette Competition". Since 2009 he has taught piano accompaniment at the "Franz Liszt" College of Music in Weimar. As a soloist, he has appeared with the Shostakovich Chamber Orchestra, the Berlin Symphony Orchestra, the Student Orchestra in Nizhni-Novgorod (Russia), the Symphony Orchestra Petropawlovsk, the Youth Symphony Orchestra Berlin, the Chamber Orchestra of the Britz Castle and the Astana State Philharmonic Orchestra. He continues to give concerts on a regular basis as soloist and as a collaborator with chamber music ensembles, both at home and abroad.

Andreas Schulz has already conducted in the Philharmonie Berlin and the Konzerthaus Berlin, and he has conducted at concerts within the framework of the Beethoven cycle in Britz (Berlin). The Youth Symphony Orchestra Berlin, which he founded, has been the festival orchestra since 2011 at the International Music Festival for Young People at Rodachtal (Bavaria). Andreas Schulz was the conductor at the prize winners' concert at the international Hindemith competition in 2011, and in 2012 he conducted operas within the framework of the festival at Britz Castle. In addition, he appeared with the Youth Symphony Orchestra Berlin during the "Open Air Classics" series of concerts in Buckow and at the Himmelpfort Classical Music concerts. Concert tours have taken him to France, Kazakhstan, Russia, South Korea, Finland, Poland, Romania, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Ukraine.



Andreas Schulz Dirigent

Andreas Schulz Dirigent

Andreas Schulz Dirigent

Andreas Schulz Dirigent


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