Concert schedule | Repertoire | Vita | YSO Berlin | Media | Contact |
Concert schedule 2015 10th Jan. - Chamber Music Hall of the Philharmonie, Berlin 16th Jan. - Philharmony Baschkortostan, Ufa 20th Feb. - As pianist: Carnival of Animals, Britz Castle 11 am &
3 pm 3rd Mar. - Chamber Music Hall of the Philharmonie, Berlin 11th Apr. - 'Mitteldeutsche' Chamber Philharmony, Staßfurt 8th July - Studio of the Hessischer Rundfunk, Frankfurt am Main 5th Sep. - Himmelpforter Klassiktage 26th/27th Sep. - Admiralspalast, Berlin 2nd Oct. - Lindenchurch, Berlin 13th Oct. - Health Resort Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden 6th & 7th Nov. - Britz Castle Chamber Orchestra, Britz Castle, Berlin 20th Nov. - 'Mitteldeutsche' Chamber Philharmony, Magdeburg 22nd Nov. - 'Mitteldeutsche' Chamber Philharmony, Bernburg 3rd Dec. - St. Mary's Church Concert Hall, Neubrandenburg
Concert Schedule 2016 17th Jan. - Mercedes Endres, Oranienburg 20th Mar. - Great Hall of the Philharmonie, Berlin 3rd Apr. - Britz Castle, Berlin 8th May - Max-Taut Assembly Hall, Berlin 11th Jun. - Great Hall of the Philharmonie, Berlin
© Andreas Schulz, 2015 |