Concert schedule 2014:
19th Jan. - Mercedes Endres, Oranienburg
25th Jan. - Philharmony Berlin, chamber music hall
1st March - Max Taut assembly hall, Berlin
8th March - Britz castle, Berlin
19th March - Stawropol (Russia)
7th June - Philharmony Berlin, chamber music hall
24th - 27th July - "11th International Youth Music festival in Rodachtal"
29th July - Britz castle, Berlin
29th Aug. - Max Taut assembly hall, Berlin
30th Aug. - Classical music days, Himmelpfort
4th Oct. - Britz castle, Berlin
5th Oct. - Philharmony Berlin, chamber music hall
11th Oct. - Opening concert at "Classics in Spandau", Berlin
29th Nov. - Youth Symphony Orchestra St. Petersburg (Russia) 6th Dec. - As pianist: Recital with Andrea Chudak,
Berlin-Altglienicke 11th Dec. - 'Mittelsächsische' Philharmony,
Freiberg 12th Dec. - 'Mittelsächsische' Philharmony,
Döbeln 13th Dec. - Piano accompaniment of students of the HfM Weimar 14th Dec. - Piano accompaniment of students of the HfM Weimar 15th Dec. - Piano accompaniment of students of the HfM Weimar 21st Dec. - Young Symphony Orchestra Yekaterinburg
Concert Schedule 2013:
1st Dec. - Hotel Adlon, Berlin
16th Nov. - Hindemith concert, Britz castle, Berlin
3rd Nov. - Konzerthaus Berlin, large hall
26th Oct. - St. Lucas church, Dresden
13th Oct. - Beethoven cycle, Britz castle, Berlin
11th Oct. - Konzerthaus Berlin, small hall
24th Aug. - Classical music days, Himmelpfort
22nd - 28th July - 10th International Young People's Music Festival in Rodachtal (Bavaria):
28th July - Protestant church, Ahorn
27th July - Open-Air concert in the Old Town, Sesslach
26th July - HUK Coburg (insurance) branch office, Bertelsdorfer Höhe
23rd July - Town Church, Ummerstadt
5th May - Philharmonie Berlin, chamber music hall
4th May - Max Taut assembly hall, Berlin
14th April - Beethoven cycle, Britz Castle, Berlin
29th March - Symphony Orchestra in Chernigov (Ukraine)
23rd March - Konzerthaus Berlin, small hall
23rd Feb. - Kaliningrad State Symphony Orchestra (Russia)
2nd Feb. - Orangerie, Oranienburg
25th Jan. - Konzerthaus Berlin, small hall
20th Jan. - Mercedes branch office, Oranienburg
Concert Schedule 2012:
1st Dec.: Mercedes Branch Office in Dresden
12th Nov.: State Symphony Orchestra Kaliningrad (Russia)
30th Oct.: University Orchestra Nizhny Novgorod (Russia)
12th-14th Oct.: Opera performances within the framework of the Festival at Britz Castle (Berlin)
30th Sept.: Concert for the tenants of HOWOGE building society in the Max Taut hall
26th-29th July: "9th International Young People's Music Festival in Rodachtal"
6th July: Opening of the Water Festivals in Fürstenberg
1st June: "Young Classical Music Stars of Tomorrow" at the Philharmonie (Chamber Music Hall)
12th May: German String Philharmonic Orchestra
24th Mar.: Concert at the Max Taut Hall
22nd Jan.: New Year's concert at the Endres Mercedes dealership in Oranienburg
115th January: Concert at Britz Castle with the prizewinners from the International Hindemith Competition
Concert Schedule 2011:
23rd Sept.: at the Berlin Philharmonie (Chamber Music hall)
21st Sept.: Symphony Concert at the Max Taut hall
31st July: 8th International Young People's Music Festival Rodachtal at the Protestant church in Ahorn
29th July: 8th International Young People's Music Festival Rodachtal at the branch office of HUK Insurance in Bertelsdorfer Höhe
28th July: 8th International Young People's Music Festival Rodachtal at the Joachim von Ortenburg church in Tambach
18th June: Open-air concert at Vitzenburg Castle
26th Mar.: Symphony concert at the Max Taut hall in Berlin
Concert Schedule 2010
11th Dec.: Christmas concert for the HOWOGE building society at the Max Taut hall in Berlin
10th Dec.: Christmas concert at the Max Taut hall in Berlin
26th Sept.: Symphony concert at the Max Taut hall in Berlin
27th Mar.: Symphony concert at the Max Taut hall in Berlin